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To the LMPS Congress Official Page

International Congress of
Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science XI
Cracow, August 20 - 26, 1999

The proceedings of the Congress will be divided into 17 sections. The sections belong to four major groups. There are six logic sections, two sections on general philosophy of science, six sections on philosophical problems related to the sciences, and three sections devoted to ethical, historical, and social perspectives on philosophy of science. In addition, there are two special symposia entitled: A hundred years of philosophy of science and Cognitive science meets philosophy of science.

The participants are invited to contribute papers in all 17 sections. Those wishing to present a paper should send an abstract (max. 2 pages) to the Organizing Committee not later than February 1st, 1999. Guidelines for the preparation of the abstracts are given in point 3.7 of this circular.

The Congress will start on Friday, August 20th, in the morning, and end on Thursday, August 26th. Several tours have been organized especially for the Congress during this week, and also on Friday, the 27th and Saturday, the 28th.

The registration fee is 200 USD (students 100 USD) for regular attendants registering before April 15th. After that date, the fee is 225 USD (students 125 USD) until May 30th, and 300 USD (students 175 USD) before August 20th. The accompanying person's fee is 70 USD.

Please remember the following deadlines:

The Organizing Committee is presided by Jan Wolenski, Jagiellonian University.

The registration and hotel booking forms should be sent to:

Centre for Scientific Research and Academic Conferences
Jagiellonian University, Collegium Novum
ul. Golebia 24, Krakow 31-007 Poland
tel./fax. : +48 (12) 4212662

Abstracts of the submitted papers and all the other correspondence
should be sent to:

Institute of Philosophy
Jagiellonian University
Pl. 31-041 Cracow, Grodzka 52, Poland
fax: + 48 12 422 49 16


1.1. Congress Sections





1.2. Special Symposia




2. 1. Congress social events will include an opening reception and a farewell banquet. those who wish to participate in the banquet are requested to indicate it on the Registration Form and send the appropriate payment.

2. 2. Tours and excursions. Various half- and full-day tours will be organized for Congress participants and accompanying persons. The tours will include sights in and around Cracow. For details and prices refer to point 3.14.


3. 1. LOCATION The Congress will be held at Collegium Chemicum, 3 Romana Ingardena Street (in the centre of Cracow).

3. 2. REGISTRATION To register fill in the enclosed form and send it, together with the Congress fee, to the Organizing Secretariat. The fee covers participation in the scientific activities of the Congress, the Congress kit (including the Volumes of Abstracts and the Final Program), coffee or tea during the morning and afternoon breaks, the opening reception, cultural program, the opportunity to participate in the excursions organized especially for the Congress. Admittance to all Congress events will require presenting a badge or a specific invitation. The accompanying person's fee does not include the Congress kit.

To cancel a registration, written notification must be sent to the Organizing Secretariat. If the cancellation arrives before July 1st, the fee will be refunded with a cancellation charge of 30 USD. After July 1st, no refund will be allowed. Refunds will be made only after the Congress

3. 3. CONTRIBUTED PAPERS Registered participants are invited to contribute a paper to the Congress. An abstract, written according to the guidelines at 3.7 below, must be sent by February 1st, 1999, to:

Institute of Philosophy
Jagiellonian University
PL 31-044 Cracow, Grodzka 52, Poland.

Authors will be notified within two months (April 1st) whether the abstract has been accepted. Accepted abstracts will be printed in the Volumes of Abstracts, provided the author's registration form and Congress fee are received before the second deadline (May 30th).

Contributed papers will normally be scheduled for a 20 minute presentation (including discussion). Since the number of papers contributed to the Congress is expected to be large, some papers may be selected for poster sessions. Authors who prefer to present a poster are requested to indicate this on the Abstract (guidelines will be sent directly to the authors). Only one presentation will be accepted per participant.

3. 4. LETTERS OF INVITATION The Organizing Committee will be pleased to send, upon request, a letter of invitation to any individual. It is understood that such an invitation is intended to help potential participants raise travel funds or obtain a visa. It is not a commitment to provide financial support or to accept a submitted abstract.

3. 5. PARTICIPATION GRANTS The Congress has a very limited number of grants for potential participants. The grants are intended primarily to cover the Congress fees of participants from countries with currency problems who would otherwise not be able to cover these expenses. Applications for these grants should be sent to:

Institute of Philosophy
Jagiellonian University
PL 31-044 Cracow, Grodzka 52, Poland.

The application should be accompanied by a short curriculum vitae, an abstract of the applicantAEs Congress paper and, in the case of students, a letter of recommendation. All grant applications must reach the Organizing Committee before February 1st, 1999.

3. 6. LANGUAGE The working language of the Congress is English. We strongly recommend that abstracts be written in English. No translation service will be available

3.7. GUIDELINES FOR THE SUBMISSION OF AN ABSTRACT Send 3 copies of your abstract, not by e-mail. The abstract must not exceed 2 pages (printed area per page: width 12 cm, length 18 cm; font: times roman, 10 pt; line spacing 1.5; no page numbers).

Start the abstract with the number and title of the relevant section, the title of your paper, and your name and address u all in the middle of the page. Example:

Section 8: Probability, Induction, and Decision Theory
D. Novak
Institute of Logic, Zappa Square, Prague, Czech Republic

Enclose an electronic version of your abstract converted to Word 6.0 or latex2 on a diskette formatted for DOS.

3.8. TRAVEL TO CRACOW AIR: The International Airport in Balice, located about 15 km from the centre of Cracow, has direct connections to Frankfurt, London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Zurich, New York, and Milan. There are also numerous connections via Warsaw and some other Polish airports, to all European capitals and major cities and to all the world metropolis.
LAND: Cracow has direct international railway connections with Berlin, Bratislava, Bucharest, Dresden, Frankfurt, Kiev, Odessa, Prague and Vienna, and via Warsaw and other Polish towns to major cities all over Europe. There are also many inexpensive bus lines linking Cracow and main European cities.

3. 9. ACCOMMODATION Rooms are available both in hotels and student dormitories.

Most, but not all, rooms are located in the center of Cracow. If you want to stay within easy walking distance of the Congress site, book your room early! We can not guarantee a reservation for bookings made after May 30th, 1999.
Hotel Registration Forms will be sent after the deadline for submitting abstracts.

3. 10. HOTEL PRICES Examples of prices (in USD) for one night according to category:

          Category          Single room    Double room    Deposit 

**** 120 - 180 140 - 200 200 *** 60 - 130 70 - 160 160 ** 30 - 70 40 - 80 80 University Hotels 30 - 70 40 - 100 100 Student dormitories 10 - 25 15 - 30 30

Hotel prices include bed and continental breakfast except for student dormitories, where breakfast is not served.

Please note that the number of single rooms is limited: when the single rooms are no longer available, the Secretariat will assign double rooms for single use at an increased price. The type of room assigned will be specified in the letter of confirmation.
To cancel a reservation, written notification must be sent to the Organizing Secretariat. If the cancellation arrives before July 1st, the deposit will be refunded with a cancellation charge of 30 USD. After July 1st, no refund of a deposit will be allowed. Refunds will be made only after the Congress.

3. 11. SECRETARIAT AT CONGRESS SITE The Secretariat will be open for participants on Thursday19 August from 15.00 to 18.00 and throughout the Congress from 8.00 to 18.00.

3. 12. MEALS Coffee and tea during morning and afternoon breaks are included in the registration fee. For lunch there are restaurants within walking distance of the Congress site. Additionally the organizers are ready to provide economy meals (5 - 10 USD) at the Congress site upon request. Those interested should make a payment using enclosed forms.