What relation does hold between the concept of
emergence, basic for theories of dynamic complexity, and the idea of
culture-forming role of political empires?
The terms "culture" and
"civilization" are used here interchangeably, as in Edward Tylor's classical
study "Primitive Culture" (New York 1920. 1st ed. 1871) where we read as
follows. "Culture, or civilization, taken in its broad, ethnographic sense,
is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,
custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of
society." This definition should be completed with saying that this complex
includes the whole of products due to the listed capabilities, products
being either mateial as tools, dresses, buildings etc., or abstract ones.
The latter are embraced with the concept of information as involving myths,
scientific theories, systems of law, etc.
Charlemagne's figure in Emperor's Majesty, as visualized
by Albrecht Dürer, should direct our attention to the enormous role of giant
empires for emergence of civilizations. Especially with respect to
Charlemagne's idea to revive the Roman empire in Europe on new
civilizational (meaning Christian in that time) foundations. This idea was
at the start of the European story of civilization. Its happy end we may
figure as the unified Europe's empire.
[To be continued]